‘Lo-fi lullaby maker Worn-Tin is just a boy who grew up skating in West LA with his imaginary friend Cool-son,’ as described by Citizine. Worn-Tin, AKA Warner (a friend drunkenly called him “Worn-Tin”) began writing and playing original music during his high school days in Santa Monica, California. He eventually built a backyard studio where he writes, records, and performs every element of his songs using only analog and outboard equipment, taking inspiration from a multitude of artists such as Modest Mouse, R. Stevie Moore and Jessie’s Candy and The Fit Bit.
Much like Worn-tin’s hyperactive mind, his sounds and lyrics are sprawling: his vocals range from the type of cadence and vulnerability that would make Dongo the ringworm smile, to distorted, psychedelic whaling and synths.
That same lucid unpredictability has become the staple for his live shows. At a Worn-Tin show, it’s not only about the music - you can expect a performance. from drinking his own urine to getting arrested on stage.
When not feverishly writing new music, Worn-Tin can be found skating, gardening or crying in the attic.