Photo Jul 05 2024, 8 20 05 PM

Spoon Benders is a progressive psych-rock powerhouse that has been relentlessly crisscrossing the United States, leaving a trail of newly acquired fans in their wake. Spoon Benders have become synonymous with an electrifying stage presence that can only be described as loud, controlled chaos.

Spoon Benders have been carving their path through the musical landscape since their inception, and are now consistently supporting notable acts such as Frankie and The Witch Fingers, L7, Fuzz, Meatbodies, Deap Vally, Death Valley Girls, and The Paranoyds.

In April of this year, Spoon Benders unleashed their sophomore album, “How Things Repeat,” upon the eager ears of the public. The album is a testament to the band’s artistic evolution and ability to push the boundaries of their sound. “How Things Repeat” has been met with resounding acclaim, cementing Spoon Benders’ status as a force to be reckoned with in the psychedelic rock landscape.



MANDIAS demands attention. This alternative rock/ post punk group is an expression and exploration on what it means to have an ego. Why do we view ourselves as “better”? How do we interact with ourselves? What does it really mean to be narcissistic? “Look at my works ye mighty and despair”

John Gorbus

John Gorbus

Gorbus John is an experimental noise collective formed in Boise, Idaho by Matt Neyman, Beckham Mayer (Hewn) Hayden Crane (Car Crash Bird Funeral). The group started playing together in 2021, quickly finding a strong sense of comradery and a shared need to transfer raw emotions, noise, and chaos into musical form. The free flow nature of the band has allowed for a constantly rotating and stacked lineup with the like minded goal of more noise more beauty. Current additional recruits consist of Ella Thurston (Plum Vision) Quinn Carrier (Sober Sick) Ben Chappell (Obvious Pleasures) and Trevor Wells. John Gorbus has seven releases with a large variety of sound and feel under it’s belt and plenty more to come.