Leisure Hour Shrine

Welcome to the Sunny Side ☀️

Leisure Hour is a three piece emo band who’s stirred up attention in the midwest music scene by playing loud, looking slay, and building an intimate community around their band.

Their debut self titled EP, built on genuine passion and filled with nostalgic expression, is out now

Amoeba Arena

Amoeba Arena

Amoeba Arena brings a fresh energy to the indie scene with their unique blend of twinkly guitar riffs, jazzy chords, and catchy emo hooks. Born from a year of passionate garage songwriting fueled by PBR and American Spirits, the math rock/midwest emo quartet—Grant Meister, Jeremiah Jensen, Brayden Vilendrer, and Colin Singh—emerged through sessions at The Boise Hive. Their independently recorded debut EP showcases a commitment to DIY ethos, capturing the spirit of bands like Joyce Manor, Glocca Morra, and Algernon Cadwallader. A standout performance at Realms Arcade alongside “Awakebutstillinbed” and the buzz around their EP “Absolutely” solidify Amoeba Arena’s place as a local favorite, marking a dynamic presence in Boise’s indie music landscape



Strangelily lives and breathes eclectic music, combining a captivating mix of alternative & indie rock, shoegaze, jazz, and modern soul. Their sound is equally as capable of making you swing your hips as it is eliciting a sigh of bittersweet nostalgia.