Yes, THAT St. Louis MO punk rock sludge band, since 1984, having crawled from the banks of the muddy Mississippi: too thick to drink, too thin to plow…

Flesh Narc
A jet-lagged country singer begrudgingly flips between purchased explicit content on a hotel TV. Early 20th century labor practices are trending upward while two good deals of interest could get you running from $6 to $15 ample. Soakweed Discs (patent pending) is reported missing and they’re sending a travel agent into space without a helmet. Comment and your username will be assigned through your current ailment. These are tales of cold hearted love pulled from a hat, live.

Formed in early 2020, Nuppeppo is a Boise 4-piece hellbent on getting ugly, noisy, and weird. Drawing from Devo, Big Black, Thou, and Lightning Bolt, Nuppeppo removes genre from the equation to forge an unholy blade of sound that is all their own. Shrieks and manic ramblings of death and decay pierce through pummeling drums, monolithic bass, squealing guitar, and strangled electronics to form the reeking mass that is Nuppeppo.