Scrawny Shrine Social Club Boise

Producer and singer-songwriter Jesse Dill has been making music since he was a kid, having taught himself over 11 different instruments while allocating any spare dollars towards new instruments and audio equipment.

As a solo artist, his productions incorporate aspects of pop, folk, alternative, hip-hop and electronic music to form the catchy form of indie pop that he’s become known for under the stage name Scrawny. With lyrics focusing on mental health, self-care, and finding worth within, Dill’s songs act as an outlet for emotions and are meant to extend a connection - a helping hand - to anyone who finds meaning in them.

While building his solo career, he began building a home studio and started working with indie-folk singer-songwriter Madilyn Mei as her primary producer. Since then, he’s gone on to produce for Cloudkissed, Mia Giovina, and Elise Ecklund, amongst others. With a keen ear for melodic structures, a vast inventory of production knowledge, and the ability to capture nearly any sound with his catalog of instrumentation, Dill has discovered a love for producing music for others and bringing their sonic visions to life.